This annual event has been a success, and this year will not be an exception. In this event, we will provide
FREE food, FREE back-to-school supplies and FREE haircuts.
We will also have people ready to provide
spiritual guidance and prayer to those in need.
We will have live music, bounce houses and much more.
Our prayer is that this event will have a positive impact on our children and families in our
local community. Last year, we were able to bless over 200 people.
We are looking for local businesses and organizations that could be a sponsor on this event. As a token of gratitude, any business donors will have an opportunity to have their business logo on our official event flyer that will be promoted on our social media platforms and website.
Any donation, no matter how big or small, would be greatly appreciated!
Please use the DONATE button below to give!
If you would like to give a donation in form of a check, please make it payable to Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M.I. with the phrase “Back-to-School” in the memo line and sent to the address on the event flyer above.
If you have any questions about our event, please do not hesitate to contact our project
coordinator Wanda Santiago at (407) 230-2639.
Y oí la voz del Señor que decía: ¿A quién enviaré, y quién irá por nosotros? Entonces
respondí: Heme aquí; envíame a mí.
Isaías 6:8
Invitar a las personas a venir a Cristo y a recibir el evangelio transformador mediante la fe en Jesucristo y su expiación en la cruz del calvario. El arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados trae como resultado comunión con Dios, morada permanente del Espíritu Santo y la manifestación de frutos y dones espirituales que nos ayudan a perseverar hasta el fin.
Toda potestad nos es dada en el cielo y en la tierra. Por tanto, Dios nos envía a hacer
discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo; enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado. Él nos ha prometido estar con nosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo recordando que misiones es de todos, nuestra gran comisión.
Presiona el boton para DAR y selecciona la opción “Fondo Misiones”